Post by ICECREAM MACARONI on Nov 11, 2012 20:19:27 GMT
♠ R E G I S T R A T I O N ♠
If you are going to be playing a Doctor, then please put Dr. before your name, also nothing fancy either just make your name look normal. IE: Dr. Callie Torres or Denny Duquette. Just like that. Also please do not post anywhere until you have been accepted, but feel free to join us in the cbox.
♠ R A T I N G ♠
Like just about every role play out there these days this one is rated mature. That means there will be sex, drugs, violence and all that stuff, even though we try to keep it to a minimal. If you know you can't handle this, please don't join. If you are going to be doing the dirty deed in your post please let us know and try not to go into too much detail, so the virgin eyes don't bleed out okay? You can do this by putting a warning in your post tag.
♠ R O L E P L A Y I N G ♠
This is a semi literate site, meaning we do have minimum criteria for posting but we are not Nazi's about it. So that being said please post at least 100 words. People need to be able to work off your post you know? Now here we role-play in third person. You may be thinking well duh, but I've seen some weird sites where people role-play in first person, never again I tell you!
Now here is another obvious no god moding! I highly doubt you would be happy if in a post someone was controlling your character would you?. Now if you have permission to do so then by all means do it, but both parties must PM an admin account , which can be found on the side bar. You may also ask in the cbox if an admin is around and said party and then of course we will see it and know.
♠ R E S P E C T ♠
Please respect your fellow players and the staff members. If you do not like someone keep it to yourself or go make an arch enemy for one of their characters. I don't care as long as it not OOC. We will not tolerate fighting in the Cbox and if we find out it's been happening in PM's, we aren't going to be happy. So just don't do it.
♠ C H A R A C T E R S ♠
Lucky for you, we don't have a limit on how many characters you make, just make sure you keep all of them active. Please note that if you do make a second, third, fourth etc character and we don't think you deserve to have a new character because you don't even play with your first character then we have the right to decline your application.
♠ A C T I V I T Y ♠
Ok, please don't register and ditch. It's just downright rude. Please try and stay active. Now if you are going to be going away for more than three days, please please let us know in the absence section. Now we understand if something crazy happens and you can't get to a computer but please don't lie to us by making things up. It's not cool to lie.
If a person has not been active for two weeks and has not informed us then the account
This template was made by myself EDEN. You can find the template for this at the wonderful CAUTION TO THE WIND. Please do not steal, it's not cool cause I spent a lot of time making something of my own for once.